Our newly refurbished library provides quick and easy access to an abundance of materials relevant to the learning needs of our students. Our library caters from Prep to Year 12 and is well resourced to meet the needs of every year level. It comprises of a junior and senior fiction library, a well stocked non-fiction library, classroom resources, teacher references and is well equipped with a desktop computer area as well as laptops and iPads. The library is also used for the study of subjects through Distance Education, Virtual Schooling and provides a study area for senior students each day.
In addition to access during library lessons and study periods, students are able to use the library at lunchtimes. They may borrow books, play games, search the Internet or simply relax with friends in the air conditioning.
Why not check out the online Library Website, there's loads of valuable information and you can discover what books and resources we have available in our Library.