The Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) exists to support our children through:
- Providing input to school policy decisions.
- Supporting school activities such as camps and special days.
- Operating a first class tuckshop.
- Fundraising for extras that will help students achieve educational goals.
Blackall State School P&C participates in many activities and fundraisers such as:
- Catering at local Race Meetings.
- Fun Fiesta.
- Catering for Car Rally.
- Christmas Under the Stars.
- Mother's Day and Father's Day Stalls.
Acknowledgements for their valued contribution to running a successful P&C include:
- Principal Vicky Broderick and the staff of Blackall State School.
- Local businesses and individuals who give cash donations and donations of prizes.
- Parents and students who volunteer for catering/cooking/race meetings etc.
- P&C members who take the time to regularly come along each month to meetings.
Our P&C Executives:
- President: Mrs Kaylene Carroll
- Vice presidents: Miss Sheree Hanton
- Secretary: Mrs Paula Parry
- Treasurer: Mrs Camille Kemp
If you wish to contact the P&C please email them at
Our meetings are held in the School Library monthly, times and dates advised. Please feel free to join us and have your say in making our school an even better place for your child/children to learn.