Welcome to Blackall Prep-Year 12 and thanks for visiting our website.
Blackall State School’s purpose is to promote the academic, cultural, physical and social development of each child. Students are encouraged and taught to become self-motivated learners who can work independently, co-operatively and happily to gain the skills they need to make choices about their lives, now, and in the future. The development of this website is intended to enhance and extend the resources available to our students and their families with a view to strengthening the link between our school and the community. At Blackall State School, we place an emphasis on individuals and on achievement. We give students many opportunities, and encourage them to take full advantage of what is offered. Blackall State School has a whole school focus on achievement and success in academic, sporting, arts and cultural programs. Our small class sizes ensure we can focus on your child as an individual.
You will find that Blackall Prep-Year 12 is an open, friendly school where parents are actively encouraged to play a vital role in our daily school life. By assisting with our reading and swimming programs, helping on tuck shop, joining with classes on excursions or by working through the Parents and Citizens’ Association, vital links between the home and school are established.
We are in the very fortunate position of being able to offer a seamless Prep-12 education for your child. The opportunity to complete 13 years of schooling at one facility ensures continuity of curriculum and assessment for your young person, avoids stress for them at transition points during their school life.
Your feedback is welcome. Our website will continue to grow as a major communication tool. If you have a suggestion about how we can improve please contact us.
This is our school – exceptional staff, wonderful students, dedicated parents and a supportive community.
We invite you to be part of it.